The book I will be reviewing today is called Superman: Vol. 1 Son of Superman.
In a short summary and I mean very very short summary of the book; superman and Luis have a son named Jon. He is quiet literally, the son of Superman. Anyways he tries to figure out his powers and then something happens to his cat and he's all sad and thinks he will never use his powers again. AND THEN something happens and Superman needs to go meet with the Justice League. What he doesn't know is that Jon followed him, this evil villain guy tries to kill Superman then Luis somehow gets involved and at this point the Justice League is for some reason NO WHERE to be found. Then Jon gets upset cause his dad is about to die and tries to save the day but almost gets killed himself and then they work together and kill the bad guy and live happily looking for a way to practice his powers safely. Now that my friend is the 178 page comic SHORT summary. For all of you who love this book as much as I do I know I left some minor points out but hey NO spoilers here!
This is a graphic novel because of the ridiculously amazing illustrator Patrick Gleason and the amazing authors Patrick Gleason and Peter J. Thomasi. As we have said in other posts a graphic novel is a novel in which has illustrations in it so you can follow along by reading AND seeing the action. It's almost like a visual movie with subtitles. This graphic novel is very visually detailed; engages the reader when following the text as well. There are many text boxes on almost every page describing the setting while showing it too to give you both a mental and physical visual. The layout is not exactly standard meaning its not in strips but it not not in strips? Here let me show you a standard page from the book.

One thing I could steal from this book is probably the description texts about the setting and why things are the way they are; background and everything because in case I have a visual that doesn't exactly describe everything I will always have those to help my reader still keep engaged! If it wasn't already obvious I recommend this book 10/10! I also recommend one called Batman: Vol. 1 Court of Owls!! In my opinion the visuals are out of this world and the whole book will leave you in awe!!! I promise you won't regret it, this one is also one of my favorites! 100/10 for me!!!

It makes me so happy to see the love that comics have been getting!