Monday, March 30, 2020

Writers Journey

Hey guys!

  I wasn't really sure how to start this for this tough time has put a dent in my creative thoughts. But I write like no one really other then myself. I know I can be passionate and sharp with my writing, and spoken word. I put a lot of emotion into my writing because I feel a lot of it. You won't always leave my page with a smile on your face or positive thoughts in your mind because in the end we are all human and being positive all the time is not in our nature. I hope you like the journey we are following together. 

Through this adventure we go it could be a black hole but there will always be light at the end of the night so stick with me on this journey and lets be the writers known for eternity~Tattiana Bility


  1. I totally agree that this whole COVID-19 stuff has put a dent in our creative processes and I hope that everything will get better soon. Also the best writing is the most emotional and deep writing. :)

  2. the virus has made me aware of how much a couch potato i am and that i need to write more due to the fact writing is the only way to express our true feelings into the world.

  3. You'll be fine, if a dog can do a backflip then your skills in writer should be evolving. This virus stuff is definitely a huge annoyance tho.
